Thursday, June 19, 2008

When I grow up, I want to be a doula.

doulaLast night, I attended the birth of a very close friend of mine. I was there as her doula, a support person who's main objective is to mother the mother, to provide emotional support during labor, and to help make the birth experience as wonderful as possible. This was the second time I've had such an honor, and even though I'm not certified yet, I hope to be in the next couple years or so. Birth has become a passion of mine, so becoming a doula just seems so natural to me. Last night I got to see just how strong women can be; it was truly amazing. Seeing as how it was only the second birth I have attended as a doula, I don't know how helpful I was, but I hope that my presence helped her and her husband to have the birth they hoped for!

Now I just need to wait for the next doula conference so I can attend. I had to miss the last one, and was so disappointed!

While I'm at it, I encourage anyone who is having a baby, or plans to have a baby to see this film. It has rocked the birthing world recently and is SUCH an awesome documentary. It really opens your eyes to what the medical community has done to the institution of birth. You'll definitely never view birthing in a hospital the same again. ;)

Business of Being Born

The Business of Being Born. (be sure to watch the trailer for the film)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cute, no?

I'm workin on his dad. Curtis is allergic to dogs and such but we've heard there are low-dander breeds that are available. It would be great if he could just take a prescription for his allergy, but it would disqualify him from subs. So either we find a dog that is dander-free, or we have no dog. Its gonna kill me too - I'd MUCH rather save a pooch from the pound than spend $1500+ on a dang pure-breed. Actually, I refuse to spend that kind of money on a dog LOL its SILLY to me! Unless of course you're going to breed the thing, but that's not why we want a puppy. Guess Conner needs to wait until Daddy is done riding submarines. I think every boy needs a dog, so I hope we don't have to wait too long!

Monday, June 16, 2008

For the Dads

Yesterday was father's day, so I thought I'd take a moment to cheer on some of the great dads in my life.
I'll start with my husband. I love you, Curtis and you are an AMAZING father. Our babies look up to you so much and absolutely adore you.
They love their routines they have with you. From going outside to the playground and riding bikes right when you get home every day after work, to showers before bed. I am so lucky to have a husband who is such an active father figure.

I love that you don't balk at diapers or barf or setting up the train track for the 5th time in one morning. And I'll forgive you for making them Bear's fans instead of Seahawks fans.


I'll even forgive you for making them look just. like. you.

You even had to go and give them your big ol Popp feet! Photobucket

I love that you'd dress up as a cowboy for Halloween because Buzz Lightyear HAS to have his sidekick Woody.


Our boys are so lucky to have you in their lives :)

Now on to my older brother Devan. He had quite the suprise when he found out he was expecting a baby last year with a really great girl I can now call my sister, Stephanie.

I got countless calls from him in the beginning when she was first pregnant. I advised on the best diapers, the best baby wash, and (probably Steph's FAVORITE part hahaha) her diet as a pregnant woman. I suggested that he lay off and let her eat what she dang well pleased LOL. Never anger a pregnant woman! ;)

He always said he'd never change diapers, and that made me sad, but I just knew that as soon as his son was born, he'd change. I'm happy to report that now that his son Haiden has arrived, he's a diaper-changing fool! He has really stepped into his role as a father, and it has been SO neat to watch from afar (mostly through photos Steph sends).

Welcome to parenthood, Dev. Its amazing, huh? :)

Next up is my little brother Kaid. Boy howdy did I never think I'd be wishing him a happy Father's Day this year, but here it is. This October, Kaid will become a father of twin boys. I have NO doubts that he will be awesome. He's so good with my kids, and really gets down on their level. They adore him!
Congrats, Kaid! You're in for it now muahahahaha!

Last, but certainly not least is MY daddy. He may have been away a large part of my youth, but I always knew that he was there for me, just a phone call away. I think myself to be very lucky to have had such a hands-on dad when I was little. Its a standard I looked for in a husband and was fortunate to find in Curtis. My dad is one of the most patient, kind, and thoughtful people I've ever known. And he's a fabulous grandpa. I can't put into words how happy it makes me when I see my dad with my kids. Makes me all squishy inside!

Love you, Daddy :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cutting a Rug

I got a new rug today! It doesn't really match my decor, but whatever. There isn't much to my "decor" anyway LOL - it'll only take a little tweaking to make it work. Normally I go for plain colors and neutrals. Which means easy and boring LOL.
"Safe" may be a better term.


But oh, my. Ah yes... this is cool.


And when I saw it for sale at such a steal, I knew I had to have it!

$35 to rock my socks off.

dancing feet

Consider them rocked. :)