Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It Has Been Brought to My Attention...

That I am a boring blogger. My dear, darling, beautiful, and (most importantly) frugal friend Lea recently left this comment on my blog:

" let me get this straight... I teach you overage, learn you the art of Coopon Recon, take you to Five Star Sunday Brunch, Car chase law breakers, and steal things from peoples back yards and you post about a ... R U G!! Seriously!?"

So to appease Miss Thang, here you go. A little more about myself you might find interesting.

Or disturbing.

Did you know that lately I've been saving an average of 80-100% off of my grocery bill? Oh yes, I do. Its delicious. I do it with coupons, if you must know. Just don't ask me how I get so many coupons, ok?

I said don't ask! Twist. My. Arm..... YEOWCH! UNCLE!!! OK, OK... Jeeze! Here it goes... its called Coupon Recon, or better known as Dumpster Diving!

THERE! I said it! I get into recycling dumpsters voluntarily and collect as many coupons as I can at a time. I go with 2 other friends (and I'm only outting YOU, Lea... mwa hahahaha!) on Sunday nights. Its a BLAST. Its an art-form. Perhapse one day maybe Lea will send me the pics we took at Candy Mountain. Leeaaaa?? You hear me? EMAIL! Blogs are better with photographic evidence, don'tya know? ;)

And yes, we've been busted before. The stories I could tell you would have you pee your pants with laughter. Or maybe only I pee my pants when I laugh... hey, I've had 2 kids, don't judge me. It really is good fun. Call me trashy, whatever... I walk out of the commissary with $80+ in free groceries every week, do you?!

And to touch on the other things that Lea talked about in her comment earlier...

* A couple weeks ago, Lea took me to a 5-Star brunch at a super swanky hotel on the beach. It was pretty much the most glorious day of my life (well, besides the times I pushed 2 little blonde monkeys into existance). I cried tears of joy atleast 12 times, the food was THAT good. We both went back for probably 5 plates of food. Oh yes, we did. And then she pushed me in her stroller back to the car. Because I was too fat/sick to walk. It happened.
But not the stroller part. I pushed HER.

* On our way home, we chased bad guys in our car (hey, we witnessed blatant child abuse, we weren't gonna let it slide). A couple of vigilante moms, doin' what was right. We made a police report and everything. I hope they caught that lady...

* And YES, I take things from curbs and back yards. Wait, wait... don't throw stones just yet! There was a SIGN saying I could! We kind of have a habit of driving the nice neighborhoods once a month to see what kinds of treasures people put on the curb for the bulk trash guys to pick up. Some things I've scored: a matching (but smaller) buffet to the one I already have, an outdoor climbing toy with slide for the kids, brand new bookshelves, an eliptical machine, stroller, a Razor dirt bike/motorcycle (!!!). Those are the main things, but there have been many more. Its great fun, if you ask me. Call me a cheapskate, I don't care! Those things would go to the dump if we didn't save them!

SO. There you have it. All my dirty little secrets. Did you learn something new about me? Did you lose some respect for me?? Hey, don't forget to lose some respect for Lea too... she was in on ALL of it!

Now, back to my regularly scheduled programming.... RUGS.


Chas said...

First of all, I love that rug! And secondly, you guys crack me up! Clearing the curbs of the burbs....I think I just peed myself! LOL

Lea said...

Dear GOD WOMAN... What are you thinking spreading lies about me!! I didn't get five plates of food at that buffet...I went at LEAST just didn't notice because you were in this "I'm eating 17 desserts" Coma.. DUH!!


Anonymous said...

That's my darling Kelsey Joh that I know and love!! I wish I could be there to dive and overage out with you (or at least be the lookout in my expanding state!!) Here is some jealousy sent all the way from WA to HI right now...can ya feel it?!?!

Katie said...

You'd be proud of me, I got the girls' water table and cover from the side of the road when we lived in Manana. A little Magic Eraser and elbow grease and the thing looked brand new. I also got a tricycle for Sydney from the curb. Now dumpster diving for coupons? Something I haven't tried, but if I ever come back to visit, maybe I could tag along and we could bring Susan...she'd be happy since we'd technically be RECYCLING :)

Jai said...

sweet, and all this time I was paying $2 for the paper, dude I am hitting the streets...

Jacquie said...

I need to stalk your posey... Legs wiggling out the top of a dumpster would make for some great street photography, hahaha! :P

AllBlueZoo said...

alright, alright...maybe we need an HWM Sunday night out? I have done my share of dumpster diving; but for coupons! Do share you savings secrets-show me the way!

Unknown said...

Why didn't you do this when I was on the island?

Baroness of Blah said...

Wish I was there to dive with you. :( Do I get credit for putting the coupon/overage notion in Lea's head??

Lea said...

Heck ya you do!! :P